Umpires Corner

Youth Umpires Needed

************** ATTENTION LCB BASEBALL FANS!!! ****************

The crack of the bat….The tantalizing smell of dogs on the grill….The dust clearing from the home plate slide….. are they safe?   You make the call!

Lowes Creek Baseball is just around the corner and LCB is in need of umpires for the upcoming season fill out the form below, if your child is interested.


Preliminary details as follows.

  • Minimum age 10 years (2nd year Minors level of play).
  • Current players can officiate one level below their playing level (i.e. second year Minors & first year Majors players can officiate Rookies games; 2nd year Major level players can officiate both Rookies and Minors games).
  • Parents, older siblings, and LCB retired veteran players from glory years past welcome and encouraged to sign up!


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