
Hello Lowes Creek Families!

Our 2025 season is going to be another great year! We should have ample volunteer coverage for our concessions as long as everyone does their part. If you opted out of concessions with payment during registration you do not have to commit to shifts. However, we wouldn’t turn you away if want to work!

If you are a coach, or part of a coaches family, you will not need to sign up to work at concessions. This only applies to the 2 lead coaches. If you were “drafted” as a third coach, you or a representative will still need to fulfill the concessions volunteer obligations.

For each child registered in rookies through majors in our league, the ask is for a commitment and follow-through of two, 2.25 hour shifts. This means if you have two kids in those divisions you would be signing up and working a total of 4 shifts during the season.  

For each child registered in t-ball, the ask is for a commitment and follow-through of one, 2.25 shift.

Shifts run from 4:15PM - 6:30PM and 6:15PM - 8:30PM. Please make every effort to be on time for your shifts.

Each shift runs smoothly with 5 volunteers. Please keep in mind when closing, those times can vary a bit due to clean-up and cash count. A Lowes Creek Board member will be present to assist for opening and closing. 

There will be a need for someone to grill, a till/cash person, someone running food to window, and two people prepping food. You can decide what works best as a team. It is preferred and best practice to keep one person at the till for the duration of a shift to reduce mistakes with money. You are also asked to regularly maintain the bathrooms during your shift with an hourly check to be sure there is enough paper goods and they are in sanitary condition.  

Children under the age of 16 are not able to work in or be present inside the concessions during hours of operation for liability and insurance reasons.  

You may also find substitutes to work shifts for you if your schedule or obligations absolutely do not allow for you to work in the concessions.

When signing up for your shifts on Sign Up Genius via the Lowes Creek Website, please be sure to include the cell phone number and name of person working as well as the child’s full name being represented for the shift.

We understand emergencies and life happens. If you cannot work a shift you signed up for, please follow the guidance below and choose another open date.

Cancelation of your shift if less than 24 hours notice. Rather, you will need to email: and in the subject please type: ACTION NEEDED: Concessions Cancel for MM/DD. In the body of the email provide the specific shift, name of volunteer and child represented. We will delete the entry on Dibs to open it for someone else to sign-up.

If you were signed up for a shift and games are canceled for any reason, you do not need to sign up for another shift to fulfill your volunteer obligation.

When you arrive, please sign-in on the board, check in with other volunteers, and reference the Lowes Creek Concessions Playbook for shift procedures.

We are looking forward to a fun, safe, and exciting season! We thank you in advance for your willingness to contribute to the success of the league by volunteering. We are a 100% volunteer organization, and we could not do it without all of you!

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to a familiar board member or email

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